THE: Authorship wars: academics outline the rules for recognition

“The final draft came back and all we had was a red circle around my boss’ name and an arrow that pointed to the front of the authorship list.”

“…… the head of department who insists on being named on every paper that comes out of their fiefdom, despite having had no input into most of them.” 

“…….. the colleague who masterminded an entire research project but got no publication credit since they moved to another institution before it was completed.”

“,,,,,, the PI of a collaborating lab, who used their greater seniority to make themselves the senior author on the paper, despite most of the project direction having been carried out by the more junior PI.

5,154-strong author list for one recent paper in 2015, ran to 24 pages, while the research itself, plus references, spanned only nine.

ghost authorship, gift authorship

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