GERAK Press Statement on the amendments to the University and University Colleges Act
18 August 2008
GERAK, a registered society that has been actively supported by academic staff associations and unions of all public institutions of higher learning, and hence being a voice of the more than 23,000 academicians in these institutions, is of the opinion that in order for Malaysian universities to improve to the “world class” standard touted by the government, the following elements must be in place:
– Academic freedom for staff to teach, conduct research and disseminate research findings and opinions, without fear or favour
– Student autonomy to associate and express opinions in a free and open manner in order to expand their intellectual and social horizons thus ensuring graduates who are worldly, and intellectually mature
– A university culture based on intellectual integrity and academic merit
– Autonomy of universities to make decisions in the best interest of academia and society and not political interests
GERAK is pleased that the Ministry of Higher Education has started the process of amending the University and University Colleges Act (UCCA); however we are doubtful that the amendments will make any significant changes that will lead to the elements mentioned above. Although input from GERAK was obtained in July 2006, the amendments that are being put forward in the proposed bill have not satisfactorily addressed many of the concerns voiced two years ago.
In particular, we are concerned about governance, integrity and academic freedom and among the matters we are concerned with are the following:
– The committee proposed by the amending bill to choose the Vice Chancellor is a vague entity with no clear terms of reference and no indication of its membership. It is uncertain if they will be a true “search committee” which has the freedom to advertise for the post of VC or whether they will play a mere short listing role, working with candidates proposed by the Ministry. It is also unclear if the Minister has final discretion ij the choice of VC.
– The same worries and doubts apply to the composition of the Board of Directors, Senate and the selection of Deputy Vice Chancellors and Deans as well as the rules and criteria that will be used in the selection and running of these governing bodies.
– On the face of it, students have greater freedom to join organisations; however the restrictions on joining political parties and “illegal organisations”, raises problems. Regarding political parties, there is no logical reason provided in the explanatory notes, why a student has fewer rights than a non-student citizen. Regarding “illegal organisations”, this is a broad group which could include bona fide NGOs which have trouble registering with the registrar of Societies. Furthermore, the VC still has very broad discretionary powers to name any group or organisation as banned for students.
– Student expression is limited to “properly organised” forums like seminars etc. This goes against Article 10 of the Constitution which guarantees a right of speech.
– The proposed new section 15D which states that students charged with a registrable offence may be suspended by the VC goes against the principle of the presumption of innocence.
– The proposed removal of section 16A of the UUCA means that all staff disciplinary matters is now under the Statutory Bodies Discipline and Surcharge Act (SBDSA). The SBDSA is a law which covers the entire civil service and it is very restrictive, especially on the freedom of expression. Academics in public universities, although being paid by the government, are working under very different circumstances from civil servants and thus should not be subject to the same disciplinary rules
Due to the very short time the draft bill has been available for discussion and based on the serious concerns above, GERAK implores that the bill amending the UCCA is not debated in Parliament until further public discussion can take place in order for any changes to the UCCA to be meaningful and for it to be able to move our universities towards “world class” standards, which GERAK believes is what both the universities and the government wishes for.
Prof. Wan Abdul Manan Wan Muda
Pergerakan Tenaga Akademik Malaysia (GERAK)
(Malaysian Academics Movement)
Seminar Pindaan AUKU dan Peralihan Peranan Universiti
(Seminar on UUCA amendment and the shifting role of the universities)
Sabtu 16 Ogos 2008
Bertempat di Dewan Kuliah B, PASUM, Universiti Malaya
anjuran bersama
1) Peserta mengambil maklum bahawa seminar yang disebut di atas telah dijalankan dengan jayanya. Ianya telah dihadiri oleh para akademik, pelajar dari berbagai kampus serta orang awam.
2) Peserta mengambil maklum bahawa Pergerakan Tenaga Akademik Malaysia (GERAK) yang telah ditubuhkan pada tahun 1993, merupakan sebuah pertubuhan mewakili lebih 23,000 orang akademik seluruh negara melalui persekutuan dengan semua persatuan akademik IPTA Malaysia.
3) GERAK ingin merakamkan terima kasih kepada pihak kerajaan terutamanya Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi kerana telah beberapa kali memberi peluang kepada GERAK dan persatuan/kesatuan akademik IPTA memberi input mengenai pindaan AUKU semenjak tahun 2006.
4) GERAK serta peserta seminar mendapati rang undang-undang pindaan AUKU yang telah dibentang di Parlimen merupakan satu langkah positif ke arah penambahbaikan kepada AUKU asal. Bagaimanapun penambahbaikan yang lebih besar perlu dilakukan sekiranya hasrat Pelan Strategik Pengajian Tinggi Negara untuk menjadikan universiti-universiti di Malaysia bertaraf dunia, hendak dicapai.
5) Berdasarkan kepada kertas cadangan GERAK mengenai pindaan AUKU yang telah beberapa kali dibentang di KPT serta input para peserta seminar ini, kami berpendirian berpendirian bahawa pindaan-pindaan yang disarankan tidak akan menolong universiti-universiti di Malaysia mencapai taraf dunia (world class).
6) Kami ingin nyatakan berberapa perkara yang kami kurang puas hati di dalam pindaan AUKU:
a) Kekurangan wakil akademik atau mereka yang mempunyai pengalaman akademik di dalam Lembaga Pengarah (Jadual 1 Seksyen 13). Ini bercanggah dengan konsep kesepakatan (collegiality) dalam universiti dan mungkin boleh memesongkan halatuju universiti kearah percaturan politik, perniagaan dan memenuhi permintaan pasaran yang berketerlaluan.
b) Kekurangan maklumat mengenai keahlian, bidang tugas dan kekuatan nasihat yang diberi oleh jawatankuasa untuk menasihati Menteri mengenai perlantikan naib canselor dan timbalan naib canselor (Search Committee) (Seksyen 4A). Jawatankuasa ini mestilah berwibawa dan mempunyai carakerja yang telus agar pemimpin universiti yang dilantik dihormati oleh warga kampus.
c) Tidak dijelaskan apa yang dimaksudkan dengan ‘berunding dengan kakitangan akademik setiap fakulti’ sebelum dekan sesebuah fakulti dilantik (Jadual 1, Seksyen 18(3)). Dekan mestilah seorang yang berwibawa dan disokong oleh semua staf fakulti. ‘Perundingan’ ini patut juga dipanjangkan kepada perlantikan ketua jabatan.
d) Dengan pembatalan seksyen 16A, hal-hal disiplin staf universiti dipindahkan ke Akta Badan-Badan Berkanun (Disiplin dan Surcaj). Walaupun digajikan oleh kerajaan, staf akademik mempunyai persekitaran kerja dan cara kerja yang berlainan dari kakitangan awam yang lain. Dengan itu para akademik tidak patut dikenakan peraturan disiplin yang sama dengan kakitangan awam yang lain. GERAK membantah hal-hal disiplin staf diletakkan di bawah akta tersebut.
e) Dengan adanya seksyen 15(4), akan timbul dua kelas pelajar. Satu boleh berpolitik dan lagi satu tidak boleh berpolitik. Keadaan ini adalah tidak sihat bagi sesebuah universiti dan susah untuk dikawal.
f) Tidak ada kemestian untuk diadakan persatuan staf universiti, terutamanya persatuan staf akademik, walaupun Jawatankuasa Kebajikan Pekerja (Jadual 1, Seksyen 20A) memerlukan keujudan kesatuan dan persatuan tersebut.
7) Berdasarkan kepada hujjah-hujah di atas, GERAK yang mewakili semua persatuan kakitangan akademik Malaysia memohon kepada pihak kerajaan, terutamanya ahli-ahli Parlimen Malaysia, menangguhkan perbincangan dan kelulusan pindaan AUKU ini. Draf pindaan ini perlu dibincang secara halus oleh semua pihak yang terlibat. Kami memohon agar GERAK dan lain-lain stakeholder dibawa berbincang sebelum rang undang-undang pindaan AUKU dibincang semula di Parlimen.
8) GERAK serta peserta seminar memohon agar ‘UNESCO Recommendation on Higher Education Teaching Personnel’ digunakan sebagai panduan untuk meningkatkan kecemerlangan universiti-universiti di Malaysia.
The amendments can be seen at (English) (BM)
An analysis by Prof Shad Faruqi in The Star,